
On the Edge of Their Seats

Post & Lintel Books, 2024

An epidemic of boredom is spreading through our nation’s schools and colleges. Students across America are disengaged at depressingly high levels; they are continually distracted; and they often see their education as a series of dull and uninspiring classes that they simply must endure. Is there any hope for this bored and distracted generation? Can teachers turn the tide of the boredom epidemic by making their classrooms places of excitement and inspiration?

Yes, they can. This book offers teachers a straightforward and intuitive approach to increase student engagement in the classroom. Drawing on the latest research and several decades of experience in teacher education, this book shows how teachers can make their classrooms inspiring and transformative places of learning. This guidance comes in the form of a simple four-step framework that teachers can begin immediately applying in their classrooms. The four step framework is not just effective instruction—it’s teaching that transforms.

Awakening Student Engagement

Reclam Verlag, 2023

Students overwhelmingly report being disengaged from school and bored in their classes. They struggle to see the meaning of their educational experiences beyond career preparation and material success. How can teachers awaken genuine excitement for the subjects they teach? How can they capture students’ imagination and spark lasting engagement with their subjects? In short, what does teaching look like that is truly transformative? This book introduces readers to several teachers who have profoundly transformed the lives of their students and to the intuitive methods they used to do so.

2021 -Douglas Yacek - The Transformative Classroom. Das transformative Klassenzimmer. Transformative Bildung. Transformative Erziehung. Theorien der Erziehungswissenschaft.

The Transformative Classroom

Routledge, 2021

Transformative approaches to teaching and learning have become ubiquitous in education today. But what exactly does it mean to be transformed? What should teachers be transforming students into? Should they really attempt to transform students at all? Drawing on important insights from psychology and philosophy, this book provides a new theory of transformative education and shows how it improves upon some of the most influential approaches today. In doing so, the book offers concrete practical guidance to teachers who hope to create a space for transformation in their classroom.

Nietzsche's philosophy of education. Nietsches Philosophie der Erziehung. 2018. Douglas Yacek. Demokratieerziehung. Moralische Erziehung. Erziehungsphilosophie. Bildungsphilosophie.

Nietzsche’s Philosophy Of Education

Routledge, 2018

Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Education makes the case that Nietzsche’s philosophy has significant import for the theory and contemporary practice of education. By providing novel reinterpretations of Nietzsche's ethical theory, political philosophy and philosophical anthropology, the book outlines concrete ways in which these ideas can enrich teaching and learning in modern democratic schools. This is one of the first comprehensive engagements with Nietzsche’s philosophy which attempts to determine his legacy for education. As such, this book makes a unique contribution to both the philosophy of education and Nietzsche scholarship.

Edited Volumes

Moral education in the 21st Century. Moralische Erziehung im 21. Jahrhundert. Douglas Yacek. 2023. Edited volumes by Douglas Yacek. Demokratieerziehung. Moral guidance of youth.

Moral Education in the 21st Century

Cambridge University Press, 2023

Moral education is an enduring concern for societies committed to the value of justice and the wellbeing of children. What kind of moral guidance do young people need to navigate the social world today? Which theories, perspectives, values, and ideals are best suited for the task? This volume analyses several important developments in ethics and moral psychology and discusses how key moral problems can be addressed in contemporary classrooms. In doing so, the volume helps readers develop a deeper understanding of the complexities of helping young people grow into moral agents and ethical people.

Democaric education. Cambridge Handbook of Democratic Education. 2023. Douglas Yacek, Johannes Drerup. Cambridge Handbuch der Demokratieerziehung. Moralische Erziehung. Aktuelle Debatte Erziehungswissenschaft.

The Cambridge Handbook of Democratic Education

Cambridge University Press, 2023

What kind of education is needed for democracy? How can schools respond to the challenges that current democracies face? This unprecedented Handbook offers a comprehensive overview of the most important ideas, issues, and thinkers within democratic education. Its breadth of purpose and depth of analysis will appeal to both researchers and practitioners in education and politics. The Handbook addresses not only the historical roots and philosophical foundations of democratic education, but also engages with contemporary political issues and key challenges to the project of democratic education.

Bildung und Transfromnation. Douglas Yacek. Education and transformation. Transfromative Bildung. transformatives Klassenzimmer. Aktuelle Debatte Erziehungswissenschaft. Bildungsphilosophie. Hans-Christoph Koller. Sammelband. Kindheit. Bildung. 2022

Education und Transformation

J.B. Metzler, 2022

The idea of transformation has become ubiquitous in educational research. From a transformative perspective, education is no longer considered solely to be the acquisition of subject-specific knowledge, competencies, or canonized educational goods, but primarily as a process in which our relationship to ourselves, to others, and to the world is fundamentally transformed. But what exactly does it mean to experience a transformation? What theories of transformation exist in educational research? What are they useful for and where do they have weaknesses? This volume addresses these and other key issues in the contemporary discussion of education and transformation.

Liberal Democartic Education: A Paradigm in Crisis. Douglas Yacek. 2022. Liberal-demokratische Erziehung. Johannes Drerup. Bildungsphilosophie. Demokratieerziehung.

Liberal Democratic Education

Mentis, 2022

It has often been noted that liberal democracies are facing a serious political crisis. A common reaction to this situation is to call for more comprehensive or more effective liberal democratic education. This volume discusses some of the most important challenges to and critiques of the paradigm of liberal democratic education. In doing so, it offers novel insights into how liberal democratic education can be amended, extended or qualified to address the special challenges of the current political moment.

Dürfen Lehrer ihre Meinung sagen? Douglas Yacek. 2021. Should teachers talk politics? Demokratische Bildung. Kontroverse über Kontroversitätsgebote. Johannes Drerup. Unterricht 2023. Klimawandel im Unterricht. Schule. Lehrer. Bildungsphilosophie.

Should Teachers Talk Politics?

Kohlhammer, 2021

Are teachers allowed to disclose their political views? To what extent are they obliged to be politically neutral in the classroom? How should they deal with controversial and polarizing topics in class, e.g. immigration, climate change, COVID- 19 pandemic, etc.? How should they address to extremist, illiberal, and anti-democratic statements made by students? These questions are not solely of academic relevance. The controversy about the appropriate pedagogical treatment of controversial topics has become a politically explosive topic debate. This volume deals with this controversy and draws concrete practical conclusions for the teaching environment in various subjects.